October 1, 2013

nails on a chalkboard

In an article on pet peeves, the New York Times explained: "...some annoyances are particular to the individual, some are universal to the species, and some, like the fly, appear to torture all mammals. If ever there was a subject for scientists to pursue for clues to why we are who we are, this is the one."

So, how about you? Describe at least three things that drive you crazy, and tell us why you find them so irksome. Feel free to comment on your peers' posts.

Please sign your post with your first name, last initial, and period #. You may earn extra credit by posting here by midnight on 10/31.


  1. It is really annoying to me when people chew with their mouth open. I don't want to have to see the food they are eating. Also, when people ask to see my phone when they have their own. My last pet peeve is when people try to get my to try food I don't like. I am a very picky eater and chances are if someone asks my to try something I wont.
    Callista S. Per. 2

  2. Well first off, I hate miscommunication. This is because after being told that I get to do something big, I'm told I'm not doing it anymore and he/she says I was never asked or told to do it before. Second, i don't like people talking over someone who is speaking. It is really rude and it hurts the speaker's feelings if no one is listening. Lastly, another thing that ticks me off is a fork scraping against a plate. It's almost as bad as nails on a chalkboard.

    Rebecca H. Per. 6

  3. It irks me when people curse multiple times in one sentence. Like, really? Is your vocabulary so minimal that you only know those words? They don't even use the words in the correct ways, either! "Here, let me get you a dictionary!"
    I'm also irked when people talk about themselves for hours, and don't ask about you even once! Or, they will ask you and then they'll reply, "Oh that reminds me [of me!]." It's just disappointing, and takes away a bit of my hope for humanity. Just a little bit, of course, because there are worse things.
    My biggest pet peeve is seeing people mutilating books. They're works of art; people put months, years even, of their lives writing them. It is just awful seeing someone with the cover of a book folded over the back. My brother will often be found reading a book in this manner. I walk up to him, grab the book, and hand it back to him in the proper holding position. I have often thought of writing a book, or a paper, on the proper ways to handle a book. I might title it, "You don't like being man-handled, neither do books," or something to that affect.
    If you want to be my best friend, do not do any of these things. If I catch you doing any of these, beware.

    Taylor B.
    Period 2

    1. Awkward.

      Taylor B.
      Period 4*

      Why did I think it was period two? Who knows?

  4. My list of pet peeves could go on for ages. One of my main irritations is when others are self-centered. I can't stand it when people are "all about me". I feel it tends to be rude and annoying. Another one of my main pet peeves is when others are judgmental. I believe everyone has the right to their opinions and for someone to no respect that is just morally wrong to me. For example, I personally have my own beliefs and non-beliefs towards religion, but I respect others opinions towards it. For me its all about having respect and consideration towards others. Lastly one of my most petty annoyances is when others chew with their mouths open. I find it overall just rude, gross, and uncalled for. Its not that hard to chew with your mouth CLOSED! Anyways, my list could continue on and on, but the main ones are all about having consideration, respect, being open to others opinions and not being judgmental. Oh and chewing with your mouth closed. Seriously.

    Sabrina Eder
    Period 5

  5. well, I have many pet-peeves and its hard to just chose three, but here are three.
    my first pet-peeve is when people thing their opinion matters more then everyone else's. Like seriously you're going to talk over people, yell, and start a argument because nobody agrees with you! I mean not everybody's opinion is the same!
    My second pet peeve is when people plan things or talk about things that you weren't invited to RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU I mean are you asking to be slapped? and don't be angry when I walk away because I cant stand hearing about how much fun you had. And that they're sorry they forgot to tell you, I mean I love to listen, but if this is the 7th time you've done this I don't think its an "accident" anymore.
    and lastly, this is probably my biggest pet-peeve, and its that people are effected by what others think and say, can we just all be ourselves and not have what others think effect us? why should I wear a dress so I
    'impress" people I should dress like how I want an I'm comfortable with, people are going to be friends with you no matter how you act and dress and you shouldn't change who YOU are because of what others think.
    Anyways, I hope these all make sense to y'all!

    Stephenee Foster
    period 5

    1. Seriously? glad I'm not the only one who posted the wrong period. *Period 6

  6. I have quite a few pet peeves. One for example is when people burp really loudly in public, I find it completely disgusting and rude, its like were you raised in a barn or something. It also really bugs me when people talk with their mouths full of food, I have no desire whatsoever to see all of your disgusting chewed up food, no thank you. Another pet peeve of mine is when people judge others for no reason. I absolutely hate it when people do that. I purposely choose not to judge others because I wouldn't want them to judge me. Have you ever heard the saying don't do something to someone else, that you wouldn't want to have happen to you; enough said. I could go on forever about all the things that annoy me, but these are the three things that really annoy me the most.

    Fallon Dunham
    Per. 4

  7. Well to start off, I HATE when people talk with their mouth full. I find it absolutely discusting. There's no need for it! I can wait to hear what your gonna say AFTER your done chewing, thankyou. Second, it really irritates me when people play with my hair, or just generally push/ touch me a lot. I don't know why, it just really does. You will most likely come off as annoying to me. I cant stand it. Lastly, and whats probably my biggest pet peeve, is when people pronounce my last name wrong. No.. just no... If don't think you can pronounce it right, i'd rather you not try at all. (:
    Gracie T.
    Period 5

  8. I hate it when people bite ice cream instead of licking it. It literally makes my teeth hurt just by seeing it. Another thing I can't stand is the scraping of silverware against plates. The sound of it makes me cringe. I also don't like it when people talk to me with their mouth full. I don't want to see what half-chewed food looks like and I never will want to. All those pet peeves have something to do with food but I promise I'm not hungry right now.
    Kelli Miller
    Period 6

  9. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people talk with baby talk. When people talk with baby talk it seems fake and it makes people sound less intelligent. Another thing that irks me is when people say they will help with something and then they don't. Whether it is something like a school project or doing chores around the house. If someone says they will do something, then they better do it. Yet another pet peeve is when people treat me like I don't know what is going on. I don't like people who treat me like I am in elementary school. If I don't understand what is going on, then I will ask. These are three things that can get me annoyed like no other.

    Ariana Pippert
    Period 2

  10. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people just touch my stuff. Like, if I'm on my phone or iPod and someone just takes it from me, or use my belongings without asking. These next two I'm going to explain are a little weird, but they're relevant to this topic. My second one is when I'm eating or drinking and I swallow down the wrong pipe and I start coughing uncontrollably trying to get what ever went down back up and in the midst of my coughing, people say, "Just breathe!" If I could I would people. Trust me. A third one of my pet peeves is when people share milk. I feel like this is mainly due to a personal reason because I find it disgusting. I will put ice in my milk to keep it cold and if someone takes a drink of my milk, I will not touch it again because it feels warm. There are mornings where I can't drink the milk from my cereal because its not cold enough.

    Aleysia H.
    Period 4

  11. I have many pet peeves. To start off, I hate when metal will rub against another piece of metal. It's weird but the sound is super annoying. Another thing that annoys me is rude judgmental people. Its very irritating when people think they are better than everyone else or think their opinion is better because its coming from them. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and its irksome when others cant understand or respect that. The third thing that irritates me is annoying texters. It really irks me when they don't try to spell most words correctly or when they answer with one word replies, because then I have to keep the conversation going. I just stop replying if their being annoying. Those are three of the many things that annoy me.

    Harkiran Dhami
    Period 6

  12. One thing that ignores me is when people swear. If you wanted to express how you are feeling then do it! Without swearing or is your vocabulary that small!? Another thing that bothers me is that when people eat things amazingly loud, it distracts me. Then I ask if anything is dieing in their mouth :P. Lastly is when people say, "be more mature," when they mess with me and i react. I dont like this because i find it like picking a fight then they cant back them self's up. That's it no more whining from me then.

    Adam Nelson

  13. I have numerous pet peeves. My list could go on forever. I'll start off with people that love to talk over you. I will sit there and listen to you; and I would hope you do the same. That is never the case because they just think they are so much better then you and have to interrupt. It also annoys me when people talk crap about other people. It drives me crazy because you don't know that person. Why should you judge them if you don't even know them. Its not cool.

    Madi Oliver
    Period 4

  14. Everyone has their own pet peeves, as each person has their own personality and is an individual. For example, two of my personal pet peeves include interrupting speakers and name-calling. You're supposedly taught at a young age that it is polite to listen to someone while they are talking and wait for them to finish before you interject your comment, and yet countless people still do not meditate an idea before spewing it onto those around them regardless of who may or may not have been engaged in conversation. The second, name-calling, is an obvious irksome trait of the average teenager. It almost seems second-nature to retaliate when someone bellows a vulgar word towards you, I mean who wouldn't want to take advantage of the perfect opportunity for retribution, but I must advise my peers to exploit their ability to disregard anything profane said by others. Name-calling isn't fair, kind, or respectful in anyway, and continuously leads to confrontations between students. I'm not saying that everyone needs to be silent, but I do ask that if you are going to speak, do it in a polite way and make sure to not interrupt someone else's train of thought. Thank you.

    Sierra Murray
    Period 5

  15. Personally, I can't stand when some one intentionally ignores me. It's disrespectful to me if I am talking and some one just doesn't do what I say, then it turns out I was right. Especially when someone looks at me and then looks away, acting like they didn't hear me. I would rather have it if the person I was talking to respond to what I was saying, and not just roll their eyes at me. Besides people not listening to me, It irritates me when some is always blurting out comments or sings during class. No offense to the people who are in choir, but I don't want to hear you rehearse your part when I'm trying to do my work. I don't like hearing how peoples great grandma made them a sandwich this one time, and their life experiences through out the school year. Their is a reason someone thought of the idea of Diaries. Most of all, I can't stand it when some one thinks their superior to everyone, when they can't back up what they say. This happens a lot more in sports, rather then in school. Still, I just want to show the person who's talking that they aren't as good as they think they are. When he'/she refuses to back up what they're saying, I just want to destroy them in either sports or academics. Thanks for taking your time to read this.

    Matthew Koopman
    Period 6

  16. Something that really bugs me isn’t when someone describes something from a movie that you haven’t seen, but when they continue to the point of making it meaningless to even watch the movie! Then I always avoid that movie because I feel like they made it sound better than it is. Another pet peeve is when people act “dumb” when, in reality, THEY ARE FLIPPIN GENIUESS!!! It just makes me so angry when I try hard and they don’t but they get it, and then say something like, “I am so dumb.” I understand when you want to act silly and have fun but don’t do it 24/7! Lastly, when people ask me to do something and they expect you to do it without even hearing your answer! I mean, if you ask me a question or give me an option listen to the response!

    Krystin Morrell
    Period 5

  17. I have more than three things that bother me, but here's three.
    My first pet peeve is when someone in my house calls my name while I'm in my room and then when I say "WHAT?" they don't respond until I get up and go out of my room then ask why they called me. My second pet peeve is when people constantly cuss or just cuss for no reason because I think it's kind of rude and disrespectful. But hey, everyone has their own opinions. My last one is when there's people in front of you that walk super slow and you can't move around them or anything so you're just stuck there slowly walking behind them until you find a way around.

    Miriam Henifin
    Period 5

  18. The biggest pet peeve of mine would have to be my brother. Every little thing he does annoys me. There are no specifics because even him breathing on me gets on my nerves. Another thing I find annoying is dog whistles. They make a loud pinging noise that I can't stand. I'm not sure if its bad for your hearing but I swear I'm losing brain cells every time I hear one. My last pet peeve is repeating myself when I already have a few times. After about two or three times of saying the same thing, I just end up rolling my eyes at them in frustration.

    Shaina Dohrman
    Period 6

  19. I try not to be bothered by little things in life, but sometimes its beyond my control! And I have to admit, I do have quite a few pet peeves. One for example, is: squeaky noises. Not only is this terribly annoying, but it makes my teeth itch like crazy! And the louder the screeching of the squeak, the more pain my teeth go through. Another peeve is when people have left over food stuck on their teeth. And even worse is when you tell them, and they can get it out! So then the only thing you can focus on is that little glob between their teeth. The last irk left to complain about is when people get mad easily, then start yelling. Instead of solving a problem calmly and talking it out, they get annoyed and irritated.(ekhem..mom) Which then gets you all fired up, and ends as two VERY unhappy people on non-speaking terms... yaa. I could keep going, but the prompt only asked for three. And I don't want to look like one of those people that complain about everything because personally, those kind of people bother me!

    Arina Dovgoruk
    Period 5

  20. Something that bugs me is when other people start humming or tapping rhythms extremely obnoxiously. I'm fine with others quietly expressing the rhythms in their heads, especially since I do that a lot, as long as it isn't that loud. Another pet peeve of mine is when I go to a house and the persons dog assaults my shoes if I take them off. Please just tell me your dog will take my shoes so I can hide them. But I have to say my biggest pet peeve is when people interrupt me when I'm talking. That just annoys me more than anything. It's really not that hard to just wait until someone is done talking before saying what you want to say. I have just as much right as you do to be speaking, and I know you wouldn't want to be interrupted so why interrupt me? Anyways, that's what is irksome to me.

    Lacie P.
    Period 6

  21. I hate alot of things that people do but ill just name a few. For one, when people put other people down they think theyre cool but really theyre just bullying. It tells more about them then it does about the person theyre making fun of. Secondly, when people sneeze loudly. My mom sneezes really loudly and she claims she cant help it but it really bugs me. It sounds like a fire alarm. Lastly, I hate when people use there phone when you are trying to talk to them. It seems like they dont care what youre saying to them and they would rather look at twitter or something.

    Adam R.
    Period 6

  22. Malcolm Salazar10/10/13, 5:30 PM

    Wow. So masny to choose from.
    1, Hear people chew food. For some odd reason, when i hear people chew food, it just gets to me!! I think I might have a problem haha But no joke. It really annoys me.
    2. WHen people clean their hands on their clothes. Like, your clothes were perfectly clean before, and now their dirty. And now it will be dirty and stained until you wash it. Great. Now the world cana see your dirty clothes :(
    3. When people keep saying "What?!" Like the first time maybe you didn't hear me, but the second or third time it's just not considerate. Maybe if people said "Excuse me" I would let it slide.
    So there, now you know how to make me mad haha

    Malcolm S.

  23. Well my first pet peeve has to be when people chew gum with their mouth open. It's just like no one wants to watch you chew like an animal, it's just annoying. Second is when people interrupt me while i'm talking.It's just really annoying when you're trying to talk to someone and someone else will just walk up like your not even there. Lastly is when I have to constantly repeat myself when talking to someone. It just gets annoying after having to repeat over and over that I eventually give up.
    So that's about it for me.

    Schaefer Jones
    Per. 5

  24. My first pet peeve would have to be when I'm listening to music and someone tries to talk to me. Its gets really annoying because I have to stop an take out my headphones. My second one would probably be when someone is doing something over and over again. Like rolling a pencil back and fourth across their desk or tapping a rythem on it. My last one would have to be when someone is all nice to a person and then go and talk about them behind their backs.

    Katelyn Sallee
    Per. 4

  25. My first pet peeve would have to be when someone is a know it all. They think they are better and smarter than everyone else but most of the time they aren't. My second pet peeve is when people are in their seats and bend all the way back onto your desk to stretch. Then all their hair is on your desk and it gets really annoying. My last pet peeve is when people interrupt a story or someone talking. This is one of my top pet peeves because its rude and the person is trying to speak and cutting them off irks me. Those are my top three pet peeves.

    Mark J.
    Per. 6

  26. One of my pet peeves is when people do exactly opposite of what they are politely asked to do. Is it really that hard to take some notes or just sit in your seat? Another one is when my parents constantly try to talk with me as I try to go to bed. I need my sleep, let me have it! My final pet peeve is people who get angry really easy. Like when you bump into them in the hallway and then they just start yelling at you. Dude calm down. Those are my pet peeves.

    Kyle Bonn
    Period 4

  27. Oh, there are countless irksome activities in my opinion. One of the myriad that greatly bugs me is when an individual is trying his/her hardest to remember someone's name, but they can't. This part in itself I do not find annoying, but if the person decides to say "What's his/her face?," then I could probably go on a ranting tangent to the person who said so. Here's my problem with this phrase: If someone is attempting to remember another person's name, then they obviously know what the face of that person looks like. When one is trying to remember someone's name, he/she images the appearance of that person in his/her mind in order to try and recall the name. Therefore, "What's his face?," is simply lacking in logic.
    An additional pet peeve of mine is when the roll of toilet paper is facing the wrong direction. When the roll is facing the wrong direction, so the paper is hanging away from you, it looks silly and out-of-place. Also, it is harder to reach and tear off correctly. Life would be much easier if people made sure that the hanging part of the paper would be facing the one who will eventually need it.
    Lastly, it annoys me when a person uses "your" instead of "you're." When this sort of mishap occurs, the grammar geek part of me kicks in, and I get the urge to find the person in order to reprimand him/her for breaking one of the numerous laws of grammar. Not to mention the longing to teach the individual how to use these words in the proper way.
    Anyway, I think I'll be done now.

    Leah Burleson
    Period 5

  28. My list of pet peeves could go on forever. It really bugs me when people keep saying "What?" after I have said something and I have to keep repeating myself over and over. The last thing I want to spend time doing is repeating myself. I eventually just sigh and say never mind it didn't matter. Another one of my pet peeves is when people completely ignore me. Especially when we are having an important conversation or are trying to work out a problem. It doesn't do any good to ignore the person who is talking to you. They may have stopped doing something just to talk to you so it is completely rude in my opinion to just flat out ignore someone. My list could go on forever, but the last pet peeve I am going to address is when people chew with their mouths open. I really don't care to see what you are eating after it has been chewed up or to hear you smacking on it. It grosses me out. That is only a few of my pet peeves.

    Lauren T
    Period 5

  29. I Hate it when people chew with they're mouth open and I can hear it. No joke it makes me want to kill someone. If I can hear it across the room something is obviously wrong with that. I also hate it when someone talks crap about a person and then turns around and acts like their bff. Like c'mon, we all know you hate her so just stop it's annoying. Lastly, I hate it when people lie right to my face. Not only is it bad when I find out they were lying later, but when I know they're lying while they're talking is the worst. It makes me embarrassed for them that they feel the need to lie to make themselves look better.

    Sammy ,S. period#5

  30. One of my pet peeves is when people are talking during a video and you cant hear because they are sittting right next to you. It really ticks me off and makes me want to tell them to SHUT UP. Another one ove my pet peeves is when im working in the library and the person next to me is screwing around and distracing you so you cant work. It ticks me off because you really want to get an assignment done but you cant because of the loser distracting you. Lastly when you work really hard on a test and think you did really well and then you find out you faild. It drives me crazy because you worked really hard but didnt pass.

    Troy,H period 2

  31. I have so many pet peeves. My biggest pet peeve is my sistera attitude. I don't know if it counts but it really bugs me. I think what bugs me the most about it is when she is trying to re-tell a story and she completely makes up a totally different story. Another one of my pet peeves is when people walk really slow in the hallways at school. I mean seriously I want to get to class on time and people walking slow not only makes me late, but it really makes me mad. My last pet peeve is when people are eating and you can see or hear it. Its just really disgusting and personally I don't want to hear you chewing you food.

    McKenzie O'Dell

  32. Honestly, I have quite a few pet peeves that I could talk about, but I'll only address three, since that's what the prompt asked for. First, when my parents get mad at me for my behavior or manners. Like, you raised me, what do you expect? Second, when people eat my food without asking. If they would just ask, I would happily share. But since they just jumped the gun and took it, I'll most likely just glare at them until they're finished :). Lastly, when people take forever, and I mean FOREVER, to text me back. I hate it when I get a text and reply within the same minute, and then the other person takes like a half an hour to reply. It makes me seem like a weirdo who just sits and waits to get texts. So that's just a couple weird things that annoy the crap out of me. :)

    Jolie Larimer
    Period six

  33. How could someone possibly just explain three things that make them mad? Personally, I could go on for hours about all the things that upset me from the weather to the typos in published works. But, the things that bother me the most would be when people don't understand that if I can't formulate the words in my head, there's no point in me writing/speaking. If I think it will come out in a way that diminishes the standards for myself, I refuse to turn it in/say it. Another thing I hate is not being perfect. Perfection is a shared goal in my family. If I'm not doing better than my cousins or can outsmart my mother in educational fields, it hurts me. On another note, a peeve that makes my skin crawl is when someone who doesn't know me automatically assumes something about me; I take personal offense to that. It makes me mad when someone thinks I'm the slacker of the bunch or that I'm incompetent based on their experience with others my age. I can't even express how much it makes my blood boil, even just thinking about it makes me angry.

    Nikiyah B.
    Period 2

  34. My pet peeves could go on forever! However my first one is I can't stand it when people don't pick up after themselves. Such as at fast food places in the past I notice a lot of people just leave their trash laying around. It isn't that hard to throw garbage away--I know my parents always taught me that if I make a mess then I need to clean it up. Then my second one is when people disrespect their elders. Such as teachers,parents,anyone- it isn't fair. They're trying to give respect and be kind. They've lived longer then you and deserve all the respect you can give. For example when teens disrespect their parents- they put on this planet so give them the respect they deserve. Lastly it bugs me when I go out to eat at a restaurant and people are loud and obnoxious on their phones. Everyone's trying to enjoy their meals but can't cause someone's to busy to be quiet. All I ask is for people to be respectful,pick up after themselves, and get off your phones when others are trying to eat!

    Brianna K.
    Period 2

    1. Oops I meant "For an example: when some teens disrespect their parents-they put you on this planet so give them the respect they deserve."

  35. Even though I'm a go-with-the-flow kind of person for the most part, when my pet peeves occur, I can't just ignore them. The one thing that leaves goosebumps on my arms is when someone is cutting a piece of meat and the fork and knife scrape together. It gives me the worst shivers. Even worse is when someone knows that it bothers me, so they keep doing it. Another of my pet peeves is when someone can't stand up for themselves. They're not going to get anywhere in this world if they don't tell the world what they want. Lastly, I'm annoyed when people take things too personally. I say a lot of honest things, and that's simply what they are. But when people take offense to those things and hold them against me, it really bugs me.

    Abby J.
    Period 6

  36. I don't think anyone has only three pet peeves honestly. One of mine is when people 'k' you. Like is that really all you're gonna say after I said something super long? It just annoys me and doesn't get anywhere in the conversation. Half the time I don't reply back, or I'll reply with "Potassium?" just to be funny. Another one of my biggest peeves is when a song comes on the radio and people insist singing along to it. Especially when it's a good song, I mean I turned it on to hear them sing, not you. My last biggest pet peeve is when people interrupt you. Definately the biggest one i have. It's just kind of rude to interrupt someone and then keep on going. It's one thing when its super important, then just talking to talk. Little things like those just really bother me.

    Hannah R
    Period 2

  37. So many things annoy me, but I have 3 major pet peeves. One, is when someone uses a fork or spoon and scrapes it against a plate or bowl. That just rustles my jimmies. Second, I absolutely hate having to explain myself. Let me just do what I gotta do! My last, but certainly not least, pet peeve is when someone leaves an empty roll of toilet paper on the holder after they're finished. How hard is it to simply reach, grab a new roll of toilet paper, and put it on the holder! It's just so inconvenient for the next person. After this happened to me I swore to never do that to someone because it's brutal, just flat out brutal. Those are my biggest pet peeves.

    Colin Mosgrove
    Period 5

  38. My first pet peeve would have to be my sister taking my things without asking. My sister constantly takes or uses my things without asking and it drives me absolutely crazy. My second pet peeve is people making a bunch of noise while I'm trying to watch a movie. I can barely hear the TV, as it is, with the volume up really loud. Thirdly, I really hate it when I'm trying to read a book and people keep trying to talk to me; can't you see that I'm doing something here?

    Gloria White
    Period 6

  39. My first pet peeve would have to be someone calling my name ,and not answering when I say something back. It's just flat out annoying to get up and find out what they wanted and have it be a dumb question. My second pet peeve would be when parents just let their kids run all over the store and do nothing about it. Someone is trying to shop and kids are running in front of shopping carts, yelling at the top of their lungs, and playing with the things in the store. That kind of thing is meant to happen at home. My last pet peeve would be waiting an hour for a text message and only having it say "k" back. I just sent a nice message, and waited, for what felt like a life time, for someone to say "k" that just gets on my nerves. They could at least say okay.

    Mickaila S
    Period: 2

  40. I have many pet peeves, but I have three specific ones that drive me crazy. They may not make any sense to some people but I cannot stand these certain things. The first is when someone makes sounds while chewing their food. I feel like it is unnecessary to do. It makes feel awkward and uncomfortable. My second pet peeve, I've only known one other person who gets annoyed with this, is when people leave time left on the microwave. Is it really that hard to clear it? I don't know if it does, but I think it wastes extra energy because the microwave is holding a certain time that will never be finished. My final pet peeve is when my door clearly closed, and people just decide to walk in without knocking. I could be doing something very important that they had just interrupted. I might also not want to be disturbed, and then they make me mad by barging in my personal space. Some people may find my pet peeve strange, but I don't think I'll ever be able to get over them.

    Cammie D
    Period 5

  41. Although I have many pet peeves, there are three in particular that make me go insane. My first pet peeve is when people chew gum or food loudly and/or with their mouth open. I find it completely disgusting, and I don't understand why people have to do it. My second pet peeve is when people don't say please. It is very rude, so I wish I could make everyone say please. I had to train my brothers to be polite. My third pet peeve is when musicians can't play simple rhythms. Last year, my section could not keep a steady beat of eighth notes that were all on the same note at a super slow tempo. It was very frustrating since it was such an easy part. So, even though these thing may seem simple and unimportant, they bother the crap out of me.

    Lauren H
    period 5

  42. There are some things in life that just really get my jimmies all rustled. One of the things that gets my jimmies all riled up is when people tell me to do not to do something and they go and do it them selves! It's like, really? I will end you. Another pet peeve I have is when I tell a super cool story and in a couple days one of the people I tell it to is going around telling it like it happend to them! It's like, really? I will end you. My final pet peeve is when people take my phone and take fifty million and one pictures of their ugly selves! It's like, really? I will end you. In conclusion people make me mad.

  43. The one that is above is from Hunter Davis Period 2

  44. There are many things that can bother me. My first is when people ask me the same question multiple times. The answer is the same every time so why do people have to ask again and again? My second is when people eat with their mouth open. Are you five?! It’s very unattractive and no one wants to see your food. My third and very last pet peeve is when people are lame. YOLO right? You decided if an activity will be fun or not. You can make it fun or the worse thing you’ve ever done. When I’m at something I don’t like to do, I try to be optimistic. The best way I can some this all up is that people should think before they act.
    Blake Gerstner
    Period 4

  45. There are tons of things that "grind my gears". I'm only going to tell you three. My first is when people finger-drum on their desk. Its like, are you trying to be a drummer in class? I dont understand this. Second, is when people ask, "why?" once or twice is fine, but after those few "whys", it gets on my nerves. And lastly, is when people argue with everything someone says. Like no matter what, they have to argue with it. They can't just let it go. Those are the three biggest things that irritate me.

    Morgan White
    Period 4

  46. There are plenty of things in the world with the capability to annoy me. The first pet peeve to come to mind is when people as for a bite of my food; if I had the intent to share my food, I would have brought enough food for the both of us. In addition, it irks me when those with no athority over me command me like I have to comply. I have to problem obeying authority, but I don't have to do as just anyone says. The last thing that makes me want to throttle somebody is when someone assumes I am sad and ask me if I'm alright just because I am currently not smiling. Is it not possible for me to experience joy internally without expressing it outwardly? Anyways, you now know how to push my buttons, have fun.

    Isaiah Holt
    Period 5

  47. Amanda Fraley10/30/13, 7:33 AM

    Everyone has their own pet peeves. Things that bother them, annoy them, or just really irritate them. One of mine would have to be when people chew with their mouth wide open. It's just repulsive and flat out disgusting. Another pet peeve of mine would be when people bite their finger nails down to the core in class. If you want them that short; just cut them, please. No one wants to see you biting on your finger nails in class. Oh and lets not forget, that one kid in class, Mr./Miss know it all. That one person in class that opens their mouth and has an opinion about every little thing. You aren't making any sense, so why speak? Many more things get on my nerves, but lets be real, this could take all day.

  48. Sabrina Fregoso10/30/13, 7:46 AM

    I'd like to say I'm the type of person who doesnt get bothered by any little thing easily, but let's get real: I'm a fifteen year old girl, and everything gets on my nerves. I cannot stand it when the teacher askes people to voice their opinions on a topic, and after one person shares, the next person starts off and says, "I agree with so and so...what I think is..." First off, once you tell us what you think, we are gonna be able to figure out if you agreed with the previous person or not. There was no need to repeat what the last person said; we heard them already, so just move on. Here's to the people who always find a way to put you down *cough cough, my brother, cough cough.* I don't understand why people can't just be happy for others and even if they cant, why can't they just keep their mouths shut. Not only my brother, but also other people I know have to tell me everything that will go wrong in my life when I'm really excited about something. Not only does it hurt my feelings, it lowers my self-confidence. Last and definitley not least, the sound of popping knuckles, backs, necks, whatever it is that's popping from a human body makes me cringe. When I hear it, I imagine someone's body snapping in half. I guess I'll finish here incase someones pet peeve is people who ramble on and on.

    Sabrina Fregoso Per. 2

  49. One of my pet peeves is when my brother leaves his bathroom things all over the counter area by the sink. I dont like this because ill keep mine nice and neet but he wont so his stuff is all around mine. Another pet peeve of mine is when the shampoo ran out in the shower but it stays in the shower for weeks after for some reason. I dont like this cause everytime I get in and out of the shower I see it but then i forget to throw it away. My final pet peeve is when people dont match at all or they dont know how to rock a certain style. Its funny cause every once and a while I dont match but normally I do. It bothers me because I like to pay attention to details like shoes and socks. And those are my weird pet peeves. Wyatt Grine Per. 4

  50. My main pet peeve is when people complain about not having enough time to do homework when they where doing unproductive thing or just being lazy. Another pet peeve is when people cuss so many times in one sentence you don't even know what they are saying. It is sad really that our generation has such a small vocabulary. My last pet peeve is when people share food. I get sharing finger food but a spittle sandwich gross.
    Kyra Lehman
    Period 5

  51. Out of the many annoyances that exist in the modern world there are three that stick out in my mind that I would consider my personal pet peeves. The first is when I set something down in my room or around the house for later use, and someone comes along, moves it, then forgets where they put it. Then when I come back for it, they just tell me that if I were more responsible I would know where it was. My responsibility has nothing to do with it! The second major annoyance occurs when I'm in orchestra class. I will hear others around me talking about how they never practice their instruments at home. When class starts it's apparent. If you are going to play an instrument can you please not make it sound like the rest of us have no idea what we are doing? My final Pet peeve is when someone begins to tell you something, then half way through says never mind and wont tell you the rest. In my opinion, this is one of the worst thing you can do to someone. It blows a, most often, minor issue way out of proportion and simply annoys the heck out of me. These three issues may seem small to some, but they really get under my skin.

    Katherine Gray
    Period 6

  52. Everyone has pet peeves, some small, some big, and some down right annoying, but here are the three major pet peeves I have. The first one is when I'll message someone a long, thoughtful message and they will reply with only a few words. It bugs me, because it makes me think that what I just took time to write meant nothing to them. Another one of my pet peeves is when people reply with "k." Not ok, or okay, just "k." When people do this, I mentally scream, "Are you not capable of spelling a word out?" Lastly, one of my biggest pet peeves is people, girls especially, who scream when they see their friend, like you just saw them yesterday. You'll be walking down the hall or street and hear a girl scream, at first you think, "oh no, is someone hurt?" No, it's just a couple of girls who haven't seen each other in a few hours, maybe even days. Those were just a few of my list of pet peeves, now that you know them, have fun.

    Gabby Jackson
    Period 6

  53. The thing that annoys me the most is when I am sitting on the left side of a left handed person while I am eating. For some reason some of the left handed people always stick their elbows up whenever they take a bite. The worst problem with this is that I commonly have to sit beside my left handed brother, who has this problem exceptionally bad. Another one of my pet peeves is when you are trying to take a drink from of a glass and an ice cube gets sideways and blocks your drink from you being able to drink it. My final pet peeve is when there is suppose to be silent work time in class and nobody obeys the rule. It is worse when there is a teacher that doesn't enforce the silent rule. These are three pet peeves that bother me the most.

    Nelson Mueller
    Period 6

  54. It really annoys me when people say "I forget," when they should be saying "I forgot." I really don't know why I hate that so much. Another thing I hate is when people don't cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze! It's absolutely disgusting. Please don't sit next to me if you're going to do that. The last pet peeve I can think of right now is when people stop all of a sudden in the hallways, and you have to walk all the way around them. I hate this especially when it's a big group of people.

    Kim white
    Period 5

  55. To start off, my biggest pet peeve is when people constantly pop their gum. In my opinion, gum isn't for playing with, its for chewing. Another one of my pet peeves would have to be when people take things without asking. Its not necessarily that I don't want them to use whatever they took, but the fact that they didn't ask before hand bugs me a little. Lastly, a pet peeve that probably annoys other people then just me, is when people chew with their mouth open. I think its so nasty. No one wants to see your gross mashed up food! Everyone has their own pet peeves. I'm sure I have a lot more, but those are my 3 main ones.

    Madi Hingston
    Period 2

  56. I have many, many pet peeves. My biggest one would have to be when people make fun of Asians. A big part of this is when people say that Asians are only Chinese people. They don't understand that India is in Asia, that makes me Asian, and it's in no world okay to make fun of Asians. Another would have to be when people leave the lights on when I am trying to sleep. I know a lot of people hate the lights being on when it is time to go to sleep and I am one of those people. I share a room with my older sister and she always tries her hardest to annoy me by keeping the lights on. My last one is another huge pet peeve of mine. It really kills me when people be rude to my dog. I don't care who you are, how you are related to me, what your age is, or how you feel about what I say. If you do anything to upset my dog, I will automatically hate you for the rest of your rude life. Another one is when people say that their favorite colors are black or white. They are not colors, they are a shade and a tint.

    Inderpreet Bains
    Period 5
