March 3, 2014

red-faced and rattled

While some of last month's posts (about favorite sensory details) revealed how different we all are, there were many similarities in responses as well.

One commonality we certainly share is that we've all--unfortunately--suffered embarrassing moments in life. And the only good thing about these humiliating incidents is that they're hilarious for others to hear about.

So for March's extra credit, write about a time that you were mortified. What happened? Who saw you? How did you recover...or did you? These should be at least a paragraph in length. Feel free to comment on peers' posts to offer consolation or harassment. :)

For extra credit, post by midnight on 3/31.


  1. So, about two and half years ago I had foot surgery and as a result I had to have crutches for one month. About two weeks into my sentence my family decided they wanted to go to Olive Garden. My family being so nice they dropped me off so I could go in and not have to go crutch though the parking lot, the problem in none of them came with me, and if you have had crutches you know it hell opening a door and crutching, may I add, it was raining outside. So as I'm approaching the door I realize how crowded the restaurant is and I pray that someone will have a soul to open the door for me, too bad no one does. I have reached the door at this point and I have to open it myself, those monsters, I reach for the handle and I actually managed to open the door! now to crutch inside! Me and my cocky self thinking I'm so cool I crutch in, too bad it was raining, my crutches, BOTH, slip out from under me and I fall flat on my butt IN FRONT OF A SATURDAY NIGHT CROWD OF PEOPLE. I cant, I refuse to look up and show I'm about to ball my eyes out because it hurt so flipping bad, so I look up and smile, and that's when I realize the whole waiting room is staring at me, then they proceed to watch me hobble up off the wet floor and almost slip and fall again. Lets just say I never recovered, and I hate people.

    Stephenee Foster
    Period 3

  2. In the August before 8th grade, I had a surgery on my ears, nose, and throat. I got tubes put in my ears, my adenoids taken out, and my nose straightened out (I broke it four years prior when I ran into a pole), because I couldn't breathe properly. After this type of surgery, your nose bleeds easily, and snot is overabundant.
    School started two weeks after this surgery, and four days after classes started I was sitting in first period. Suddenly, I was overcome with that intense feeling that you're going to sneeze. I brought my hands to my nose, but before they reached it, I sneezed. One might have thought I'd just been shot, and a part of my bloody brain had come flying out. There was so much blood I couldn't even comprehend it at the instant it happened.
    The unfortunate thing about the situation was the fact that I had to get up from my seat and walk IN FRONT OF EVERYONE to get a tissue. It was inconvenient, holding my nose as blood dripped and snot hung. I grabbed a tissue and turned to the trash, and I wasn't shielded very well. I couldn't blow my nose. My ears hurt to badly, so I had to pick my nose to get the snot out. People watched me pick my nose, with blood dripping out. I was mortified beyond anything ever. Sometimes I wonder if people remember that, and I hope that's not so, because it's horrible knowing it actually happened.

    Taylor Bomar
    Period 1

  3. I don't normally have embarrassing moments in front of people , but when I do it's one of those things no one ever seems to forget. Seventh grade Sarah, Oggy, and I began walking after school in the pouring rain. You see , I knew it was going to rain birds and mice but I really didn't think it was going to rain cats and dogs, even though the weather ladie constantly screamed in my mothers ear about it i still ignored. I didn't think that I needed a jacket nor did I think that I needed rainboots instead, I took a big umbrella hoping that it would keep me dry. We were about to leave near the edge of the school building when the wind started picking up and began pulling at the ends of the umbrella. I pulled the bright pink, flower printed umbrella as close as possible hoping that the wind wouldn't take it away , sadly as I wrapped my arms around the cold metal bar attached to the umbrella my hair twisted around it like vines intertwined with three wooden sticks. Sarah, being so kind for the first time, tried to break the twisted mess by pulling and tearing peices of my hair. Nothing...not one thing seemed to work and soon I realized everyone near the park began laughing at me. Humiliated, I walked straight towards home . This had to be the worst thing to happen to me, but no I was wrong I was so incredibly wrong. As I walked in the muddyy grass , I started to slip and slide all over the place ; Oggy and Sarah watched as I stood up and fell back down and each time I fell back down I felt muddy water seep through the bottom of my pants and slowly slither up my back. I couldn't believe this! Why me? why did it have to happen in front of hundreds of students? Finally after the fifth time falling I stood up and regained my balance and I ran home. I recovered , but it took like a few weeks, now anytime someone brings it up I just laugh. I just hate umbrellas now.

    Sierra Salinas
    period 4

  4. One of my most embarrassing moments was when I peed my pants in the first grade. Yea, this happened when we were doing presentations of some kind and I asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom. She said no and to wait for all the presentations to be over. I mumbled an okay and went to go sit on the floor with my classmates. Well after the third kid mumbled his way through i HAD TO GO! So I told the teacher I had an emergency, she told me to wait as the fourth kid started. I could only hold it till he was half way through and me and my bladder had enough! So I let it go... well then my pants were wet and since we were sitting on tile floors a puddle came out! And no one had noticed till it touch another kids pants! Yup the all the kids got up saying yuck and gross and I was stuck in my "puddle," till the janitor came, and I went to the office and got some new pants. So if you got to go just go!

    Adam Nelson

    1. We've all been there buddy

  5. Okay. My embarrassing moment was in 5th grade. A girl who i thought was my friend had hit me. And growing up I was told that if someone hits you, you hit them back. So I hit her back. And it was back and forth until recess was over. And as soon as the teacher waled in, she told the teacher that I was the one who had started the fight and everything. But that wasn't the embarrassing part. When I thought i was going to get in huge trouble I started crying. And when I cry its hysterical crying. And I couldn't seem to stop crying. So I got sent down to the principals office until my mom could come and get me. That was my horrible and embarrassing moment.

    McKenzie O'Dell

  6. My most embarrassing moment happened when I was in 6th grade. I was in Eugene playing in a volleyball tournament and my friends and family were there to support me along with all the other parents/coaches spectating. It was my turn to serve, so I walked with the ball all the way to the wall so I had enough room to jump serve. I threw the ball above me, sprung up to hit it, and it went over the net. Everything was fine until I was hustling to my position and I tripped! I fell down and could see my coaches and some friends laughing from the corner of my eye. I didn't have time to recover from the embarrassment of me tripping over nothing, so I finished off the play completely red and laughing. After the play was over I noticed a lot more people looking at me and chuckling. I was mortified. Unfortunately, I will never forget that moment.

    Gracie Rueda
    Period 4

  7. One of my many embarrassing moments happened freshman year. It happened one day after school, and I had just exited the front doors to the school with my friend and started walking to the parking lot. Then, I heard something with small wheels enter the road, so I turned my head and saw an unoccupied skateboard rolling across the road. I kept watching it and waited to see if it got ran over or something. But then, BOOM! I ran into the flag pole. Yes, I ran into the gigantic flag pole that is nearly impossibly to miss. This happened right after school, so there were a lot of people outside that saw what happened and laughed. My friend that witnessed it told my other friends my memorable moment, and they have never let me live it down since...

    Lauren Hugie
    Period 3

    1. Pretend you were pulling a three stooges (;

    2. I've done that too, except I was waving at one of my friend's parents. That was pretty embarrassing...

  8. Like a month ago we were going over vocabulary in Spanish and this section talked about colors. So we went through all the colors; blue, red, yellow, and we finally got to black.... So the teacher asked what color the girls hair was and I yelled Negro pronounced like knee grow instead of the proper nay grow. Then every looked at me and laughed and then I started laughing, but I didn't want people to think that I did it on purpose because I didn't. Long story short, I am viewed as a racist now.

    Adam Raschko
    Period 6

  9. One time when I was at a wedding I saw some things that looked like white chocolate thingies and decided to eat the whole thing. It turned out it was butter, and that tasted really, really bad. My sister was the only one to witness it and she laughed really hard but I didn't think it was remotely funny. She knew the whole time that it was butter and just let me eat it! I don't think I'll ever recover from that moment because now I am very suspicious of white chocolate.

    Cameron Engle

  10. My most embarassing moment would probably be this last summer when i was at the Cow park brushing up on some soccer skills. I was trying to bicycle kick the ball and make a goal which is very hard, when my crush happened to be going on jog the same time. Well, me being the embarassing little thing I am, i tried it and fell straight on my butt. I look over and he saw ALL OF IT. Oh also, it happened to be muddy that day. So here I am, I just failed my bicycle kick, covered in mud, and most likely red as a potato, and my crush was watching. It was so embarassing I swear if i could take that day back and switch it for something more pleasent such as cutting the lawn with trimming scissors, or picking up all the open condoms you find at Mcnary, I totally would.
    Something good did happene that day though, he's now my boyfriend so HIP HIP HORAY

    Nayeli Cruz
    Period 6

  11. Well I'm not sure I even get embarrassed. As is noticeable in an average day in the Supreme Over Lady Stefani's classroom, I am a complete individual! Though actions that I do perform could be considered embarrassing I just consider it what is necessary to turns someones day a little brighter!

    Kyle Bonn

  12. I have had my fair share of embarassing moments. Many happened when I was quite youger, thank goodness, but they were still just as embarassing. One time that was really embarassing, but now I look at as kinda funny, was when I went to my family's house in Tennesse. Now, keep in mind that Tennesse is quite far away from Oregon so i don't get to visit there but every few years, so most of the family I have there, I don't talk to that often; Therefore, leading to the fact the one of my aunts did not know how to spell my name. On every christmas and birthday card I got from them it was spelt: Falon. Now if you are looking at the spelling of that and are like, well whats wrong with that, is that not right? well no my name has 2 "L"'s in it, thank you very much. Anyways, now on to the "embarassing" moment. It was the summer after 6th grade so i was probably like 12 , and my family (my mom, brother, and I) got the great privilege of getting to go see the rest of my family in Tennesse. We were at my aunt's 4th of July party and it was a lot of fun! Until the childish unfiltered brain of mine, when it saw a piece of paper, decided to blurt out quite loudly infront of the whole family: You know you guys never spell my name right on birthday or christmas cards. I realized what i'd said after I said it and felt really bad, plus everone looked at me very meanly, which made it worse. Ironically they werent mad (well my mom was, she promptly scolded me on rudeness when we left) everyone just started laughing at me, and i was humilliated. I still get laughed at for it whenever we visit, but i suppose its not the worst thing that could have happened, plus I got the life lesson of: think about what you say before you say it. I have grown a lot since then and have also learned to not get as embarassed when things like that happen.

    Fallon Dunham
    Per. 4

  13. I have a lot of embarrassing moments, but I pretty much get embarrassed whenever people look at pictures of me in middle school or talk about how weird I was, especially in sixth and seventh grade because I was super weird and awkward and I had like two friends. So, I like to pretend those years never happened. But, there is one moment I will never be able to forget. It was at wolverine camp at whiteaker the summer before sixth grade, and we were all sitting in the bleachers waiting for our names to be called for what group you were in. So, I was sitting towards the top, and when my name got called I was way too excited and I started sprinting down the bleachers and tripped and fell down the last four steps. Everyone was laughing and judging me, and I'm pretty sure people were pointing too. Which also might qualify as the worst day ever too.

    Kinsey McNaught
    Period 1

  14. I haven't had any really embarrassing moments, and there is only one that I really remember. We were sitting at a table in the lunchroom at McNary last year, and one of my friends sitting beside me decides to wait until I start drinking my tea to tell me one of the dumbest (yet very amusing) jokes I've heard. I inhaled my tea and it shot from my nose, burning my sinuses. I started coughing hard and another friend had to pat me on the back to get me to breathe again. Some idiot behind me shouted, "Hey, she can breathe again, woopdy-fricken-do". I left about 5 minutes later after I was lectured about no trying to punch him. I didn't realize at the time, but according to friends, a third of the cafeteria had turned to watch.

    Sierra M
    Per 6

  15. So I actually had a really hard time thinking about my most embarrassing moment. I'm one of those people who is just so clumsy and awkward that "embarrassing" things happen to me all the time so, since these experiences are just a daily thing now, I tend to just laugh it off and then I forget about it, which means i don't actually FEEL embarrassed very often. I'll just list a couple of small embarrassing things that have happened. I find it kind of embarrassing that I was in the district spelling bee in 8th grade and I find it slightly more embarrassing that I placed against all of those nerdy kids. I find it embarrassing that I wore my hair in pigtails until I was like 9. It's kind of embarrassing that I can rarely talk without messing up, choking on absolutely nothing, or sounding like an idiot. Ummmm the other day I fell up (not down, UP) the stairs at school, you know the ones by the commons?, and my friend had to like catch me so I'm super glad he was there or I would've face-planted. And there were a ton of people around to see that one. It was really more funny than embarrassing, though. Oh, I also think it's a teeny bit embarrassing that my teeth were so jacked up that I've had to have braces for the last SEVEN years. So yeah....

    Jolie Larimer
    Period 6

  16. I don't get embarrassed often but when I do the situation is usually very awkward. One day in fifth grade a kid dropped a pencil by my desk but I just ignored it. I walked away from my desk but when I came back I totally rolled over it with my foot and wiped out. A kid that I really didn't like happened to be sitting right there and I fell on him. What made it worse was a huge group of kids were standing by him. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse he had to say "Hi." Are you kidding?? Now whenever I see a pencil on the ground, I always pick it up just to be safe.

    Amy Turner
    Period 3

  17. I usually end up having a lot of awarked and embarrassing moments. One of the most recent ones happened a couple of months ago. I was at my boyfriends house and around noon I went a made some lunch. For some reason i can't remember I went to the garbage look at something. As I put my head over the garbage my boyfriend, Chance, went to go spit at the same time. It was already too late to move out of the way because by the time he realized what was happening he had already SPIT ON MY HEAD. to top it all off his mom as in the living room and saw everything happen and she just laughed. I was embarrassed that I had spit on my head and everyone was laughing

    Mickaila Saxton

  18. When I was around 3rd grade, I tried to learn how to ride a bike. Being a directional impaired weirdo, like now, I couldn't ride it in a strait line, and it looked like a drunk person trying to ride a bike. After a while, I was able to ride without having to stop every five seconds. I saw a rose bush in front of me so I was going to steer away from it. Instead, I ran right into it. I don't know how the heck I ran into the rose bush, and my friend was laughing at me while I was bleeding from my arms and legs. After disinfecting and bandaging my injuries, I went back to riding my bike only to run into a dumpster. It was painful and I smelled while my friend was still laughing.

    Seong Jeon
    Period 1

  19. One of my most embarrassing moments was when I was performing at the district solo and ensemble competition last year as a freshman. I was playing a duet with a fellow violist. We were selected to play in the ensemble showcase before they announced who the district champions were. As we were about to play, I realized I had forgotten my bow! I couldn't play without it, and I couldn't borrow a bow from my partner because he needed it to play. I remembered that my instrument case was backstage, so I just left, leaving my poor partner to stand in front of a large crowd of people anticipating a performance. I quickly grabbed my bow from my case and hurried back onto the stage for the second time, only to receive a glare from my partner. I was so embarrassed because a performer as advanced as me shouldn't have made such a silly mistake, but somehow it happened.

    1. Darn, I forgot to include my name...
      Hyrum Kohler

  20. About a year ago, I was riding bikes with my friend, Shai, and her younger sister. We were having a great time riding around the neighborhood, but we had to go home after a while. So, to get back, we had to ride down a big hill with houses at the bottom and then turn the corner. I was feeling great, coasting down the hill with the wind blowing on my face! That is, until my pedals started turning and my shoelace got tangled around one of them. I had no way to stop, because, like I said, it was a big hill. I let the fates decide this one. They decided to let me crash into a person's front yard... Luckily, I had my helmet on, because I fell into a rock. Trying to get myself untangled from a bush and the bike that was now lying on top of me, the adrenaline still pumping, I realized that Shai and her sister had stopped to laugh at me. I got up slowly, humiliated, and soon heard the door to this house open, but before they could see me, I was gone. I ran down the street, literally carrying my bike, my worst fear being found out. Later, though, when the adrenaline wore off, the worst part about the whole experience was the sprained wrist and the broken bike.

    Abby Johnson
    Period 1

  21. Probably my most embarrassing moment was when I was in the third grade when my family and I went to Lake Tahoe. We had just pulled up to our time share and we had started to unload my dads truck. Being the energetic kid I was, I was always hyper and trying to do everything as fast as I could so I could get to the good part... little did I know what consequence that had. So anyways, I was jumping off the bed of the truck with my parents luggage, remembering it felt like there was a body in there so I set the bag on the bed, and let my feet hang over the bed. But as I had sat down, I remembered feeling a tug on my shorts. As I was in a hurry, I brushed the tugging off with my eyes on the prize. As I had slid off of the back, I felt a hard jerk and looked over at my sisters because they were laughing like a couple of hyenas. I looked down and my shorts are GONE! I looked on the back of the truck and I just saw my shorts just hanging there. Thankfully I still had my underwear! But the worst part, was that some complete strangers, as well as my whole entire family, had seen. To top it off, I fell face first into a pile of mud, which caused everyone watching to laugh hysterically. That was by far the most embarrassing day of my entire life.

    Chance Lemon
    Period 6

  22. I embarrass myself on a daily basis, but one day in particular was horrifying. I was probably about eight or nine and my family was on our annual camping trip in Bend. Whenever we used to do these camping trips, we would meet up with my cousin's family and all camp together. One night I decided I wanted to sleep in the tent with my cousin rather than the one with my parents. Naturally we stayed up late (for that age at least) and eventually fell asleep in the middle of a game of cards. Well when I was young and I stayed up late, I would wake up in the middle of the night screaming while I was still alive. I imagine you can see where this is going. That night in the middle of the night I woke up screaming, "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!!!!" while completely asleep. In order to calm me down my aunt had to yell from her tent to calm down and go back to sleep and then I did. The next morning I was walking to the bathroom and heard two ladies walking and discussing the 'poor small child that had a nightmare'. I was completely confused and then my mom told me what had happened. I was completely mortified that all of these people in this campground had heard me.

    Ariana Pippert
    Period 3

  23. So let me start off by saying that my family loves embarrassing each other. So one night, about a year ago, my family and i were at a family dinner night out at our farm and some people there haven't seen me for a while. I was talking to them and they were like, "dang what happened to your to your voice?" Then, out of nowhere my dad exclaims, "We're still waiting for the other nut to drop." I stood there thinking why would he say this? Why would you embarrass your own son that much? Of course, I really was normal all up and down my body, but this fool decides to make a comment i will never forget for the rest of my life. To make things worse, I had to sit there and take it while people were laughing at me and such. I'll get him back some day, I just don't know how yet.

  24. I have quite a few embarrassing moments I could share, but this one sticks out in my mind as being a really dumb event. When I was around the age of seven or eight my family had taken a usual beach trip. My cousin and I were both playing by the ocean when we did something extremely stupid; we had turned our backs on the ocean. At that moment the waves crashed down on us really hard and the wind was knocked out of both of us. Even though I had taken swim lessons before, I had no chance. My grandma and aunt came to our rescue though and made sure we were alright. After making sure the both of us weren't injured, I realized something. I had lost my shoe. This freaked me out SO MUCH that i kicked and screamed and ran towards the ocean again to try to retrieve it. I thought my mom was going to be mad because I lost my shoe... When we got back to the beach cabin, I ran up to my mom sobbing, "I'M SORRY IT FLOATED AWAY MOMMY; PLEASE DON'T BE MAD. I LOVE YOU." I literally thought my mom was going to kill me...OVER ONE SHOE. When I had almost drowned. Yeah, I wasn't a smart child.

    Sabrina Eder
    Period 4

  25. My most embarrassing moment would have to be when I was about 3 years old at Walmart. My brother was chasing me around they toy section while my mom was looking for a birthday present for someone. To get away I decided to run-- really far—away from him and where my mom was. My mom looked up and I was running and she told me to stop but I just kept going. She tried to catch me but I was quick and ran around a corner and then out of her sight. My mom was in a panic and called my dad who left work immediately and the store called a CODE: ADAM (which means they lock the doors and make an announcement over the loud speaker asking you to help find a lost child). Everyone started searching for me. I guess I decided to run into the parking lot. When they found me I was on top of someone’s van in the parking lot (I used the ladder on the back to climb up top) and was waving at people. They took me back in the store and returned me to my mom.

    Schaefer Jones
    Period 4

  26. This months extra credit response was probably one of the hardest for me to figure out a response for. It was a difficult task ,choosing what to share, i mean whatever i said would be on the internet for everyone to see! I had to find a balance between a story worth telling, and a story that wasn't going to be used as black mail. But I did it! And here it is: We all get our blonde moments right? We ask a stupid question, or are the last one to get a joke that was said, some little dumb thing like that. But my strokes of blondness usually come on a whole different level; a more embarrassing level. Well about a year ago I was at a Sunday morning service at my church, and the service dragged on a little longer then usual. I was getting antsy, so was this little girl sitting next to me. So we started drawing pictures, and playing all the games possible that involved two people being quiet, a piece of paper, and a pencil. We were waiting for our pastor to call the congregation to pray the final prayer, after that was done, we would be able to go home. Well I was in the middle of a game with the 10 year old girl, when I hear "..we will get up and pray...", she quickly gets up, and sadly so do I. We stood there for a good 50 seconds before realizing everyone else was still sitting down. Luckily for the girl, she was shorter then me, and no one really noticed her get up. But they noticed me. All the people in the row I was sitting in were looking at me and laughing, same story with the row behind me. Apparently the pastor said: " In a little we will get up and pray, so please keep..." and so one with what ever he was saying. To this day I get reminded by certain individuals about my lack of paying attention in church.

    Arina Dovgoruk
    Period 1

  27. Well, I have, unfortunately, had many embarrassing moments in my life. One that I can think of that happened this year was in P.E. We had a substitute one day so our teacher told the substitute we had to do some weird jump-rope activity. While we were all jumping, for some unknown reason, my foot got caught on the rope and I totally flopped on the ground. On my back. And then everyone turned to see me on the floor :(

    Malcolm Salazar
    Per. 3 (I think? It's been so long since I've been in school, I forgot)

  28. I do a bunch of embarrassing things all the time. I always take weird pictures of me on Snapchat to send them to my sister. I make weird faces; for example, I stick out my tongue, cross my eyes, and play with my nose. I always take forever to reply to my boyfriend because if I don't like how I come out in a picture I delete it. Well one day I was in my room bored so I decided to go on Snapchat, to send another one of my "aesthetically unpleasing" pictures, according to my sister. I looked horrible but at the same time funny, I was so distracted laughing at myself that I didn't pay attention to who I had sent it to. When I realized who I sent it to I wanted to cry I was like "OMG!!!!!! NO!!! BRENDA!!!!!," of course I sent it to my boyfriend. I immediately texted him I told him to not open that, but he was too curious and opened it. "You look cute," he replied. I was so embarrassed! What a liar! My sister was laughing so bad! She always makes fun of me for that, she is to the point of peeing herself every time she remembers! Now, I am more careful on what I do.
    Brenda Lazaro
    Per. 03

  29. I'd like to think that me having such a hard time thinking of an embarrassing moment is because I don't have any, but the reality is I've probably repressed everything. One experience I do remember, however, was when I forgot a persons name, and it was very obvious. It was the night of an orchestra concert last year, and since it was the first concert of the year, and I was a freshman, I had some questions because I was nervous and I actually didn't have a clue what to do. So, I took my questions to a junior boy who always knew everything. See, I knew his name, I'd known him for a few months, but the second I yelled across the room to get his attention, I blanked. And everyone in the room (which was thankfully just a couple people) noticed. It ended up with me shouting
    " hey, uh, you, uhm person...." across the room and cringing, while he looked at me with a look of really, how stupid are you, and saying almost sarcastically " It's Josh." Then I said never mind and came to the realization that I don't really care enough to find the answer to my question.

    Lacie Posterick

  30. Unfortunately for me, I've had a lot of embarrassing moments in my life. It's hard to choose one. One that I will never forget is when I was in 8th grade in my cooking class. We were supposed to put flour in an electric mixer while it was on and when I put it in, the flour went everywhere and got all over my face. I put it in all at once, even though the teacher specifically told us to put it in a little at a time. Our kitchen was in a hurry and I completely forgot until it went everywhere! Almost everyone at the room was staring at me. Good thing the teacher wasn't there at the time because I probably would have got yelled at. It was so embarrassing and I'll never forget to be careful with electric mixers now!

    Harkiran Dhami
    Period 3

  31. Sabrina Fregoso3/31/14, 3:54 PM

    I was feeling really confident one day in a new dress I had bought and my only goal that day was to be out and be seen (I have a hard time finding dresses that look good on my, so there was no way I wasn't going to show off one that did flatter me.) Before I could go anywhere enjoyable with my new outfit, my mom asked me to Target to get some whatever it was she needed, to which I agreed to go do and would soon regret. As I made my way out of the store, a gush of wind brushed up behind me, lifting the entire dress up and exposing my entire bare tush (yes, I was wearing underwear, but not one that gives the entire tush full coverage if you can guess which kind I'm talking about) to everyone walking behind me. To make it worse, my hands and arms were full of bags of merchandise, so I wasn't able to push the bottom of my dress back down. I was completely humiliated and hurried to my car, not even taking a glimpse behind me to see how many people where laughing at me or who even saw it happen. Oddly enough, I got back to my car and actually started laughing at myself after the wave of embarrassment was over. To this day, I'm still hesitant to wear dresses out in public. And word of advice: ALWAYS remember to wear spandex shorts underneath dresses that lift up easily or else you'll have a story just like mine to tell someday.

  32. One time in the not so distant past, I was feeling really confident about a guy I liked. I was pretty sure that he liked me also, so I decided to make a move and give him a note. Surely enough, I passed it to one of my friends whom I trust a lot. She gave it to him right before class assuming that he would read it during and later confront me. Just as class was about to start, the teacher told us to hold on a second because her overhead projector wasn't working correctly. He immediately shouted out "Hey! Who is this note from?" while he waved it in the air. I realized that I had completely forgotten to put my name on it. Then he said "I don't even like anyone from this school! This is stupid and sappy. Nobody even gives notes anymore. What are we? Middle schoolers?" I didn't even bother going up to him after that or ever telling him it was me. Soon enough, either someone told him it was me, or he figured it out, and he confronted me. After having a terribly embarrassing conversation of him deducting the attempt of a note down to a bitter piece of trash, I finally told him that I thought it was sweet that someone gave him a note and that he should be thankful that people are actually kind and brave enough to do that sort of thing. I never ended up admitting it to him, but I soon realized he was a complete jerk.

    Marissa Lane-Massee
    Period 1

  33. I had an embarrassing moment that actually happening recently during a basketball practice. We were running a drill that two people run to the basket and one person tries to block the other. Since I'm not very tall I just figured I would try and run as fast as I can to the basket and try to jump across the person. Unfortunately my plan did not work out. While trying to jump across my opponent, I ended up tripping over her foot and falling straight on my face. My whole team starting laughing and I just got up and jumped back in line. Later that practice I fell three more time. It was not a successful practice for me.

    Cammie Decker
    Period 6

  34. This is not necessarily an embarrassing moment but an awkward moment. My mother made me go to this party of a little kid's birthday whose parents she knew. She did not tell me however that none of them spoke English. So here I am not knowing anyone around me or what is going on when a kid comes over and tries to talk to me. Thankfully someone close to me knew some English and told me that the kid was inviting me to a game. Not wanting to be rude I accepted this invitation. I go over to where this game is being played and I am at lest seven years older than anyone else. I still had no idea what I was dong at this point and this became apparent to everyone else very quickly. At some point I knocked over a chair which made a loud enough noise that most of the people there turn to look. So there I was being laughed at by some kids I did not know and was not able to explain my self or apologize for knocking over the chair. This experience did make me realize that I really needed to learn another language and hopefully close a language gap or two...or 10.

    Kyra Lehman
    Period 3

  35. The time that I felt most embarrassed was not long ago. I had put in a 9 hour day for my dad to take all of the possible advantage of the dry weather that we were having. It was about nine at night and I was spreading wood chips with our new sawdust spreader. All was going fine until the last load of the night. Thinking that it would be easier to pull into the row I decided to take a different route, down into a small gully. I didn't realize how heavy the spreader was until I tried to pull it out of the other side of the draw. Even though the incline was not steep and the tractor was all wheel drive, it couldn't pull it out up the hill as long as I was driving it. I thought the only way out was to get another tractor down there to pull it out, so I called my dad, who was already in the house, to drive the other tractor. It wouldn't have been so embarrassing if we would have used another tractor to pull it out, but instead my dad decided that it didn't look to hard to drive it out like I had failed trying about five times. After he looked around and analyzed the situation he drove it out on his first try. Luckily, my dad didn't make much of a stink about me getting him out of the house late at night to do something I should have easily done, so it wasn't too much to recover from. I just spread that load of chips and never drove down into that draw with a loaded spreader again.
    Nelson Mueller
    Period 1

  36. So for my 5th grade Birthday, my Mom was supposed to bring cupcakes at the end of the day right? Well, she had some.....difficulty delivering. She was heading outside with the cupcakes, but she needed to unlock her car. So naturally, she put the treats on top of her car. I guess she must have gotten distracted, because she then proceeded to back up and add a little bit of dessert to the pavement. *coughranthemovercough* Ugh, and if that isn't bad enough, she calls my Grandfather up to come tell us she'll be late. I don't think the old man understood exactly, because my entire class got to hear my Mother's tale of Cupcake disaster; of course they all laughed hysterically, demolishing my self-esteem and faith in my Maternal figure. So after my Mom heads back to the store, she goes to get more Cake. Of course it turns out someone came by in the 10 minutes she was gone and bought the rest of the birthday products they had. Naturally, she goes back for the next best thing, Ice Cream cups. As she speeds down the road, a cop decides to make this day even more interesting...gotta love this story huh? Getting her ticket takes up quite a section of time, and by this time everyone is pretty darn anxious. But don't worry, my Grandpa is still filling the awkward silence with terrible jokes and--get this--updates of the situation. My Mother FINALLY gets there, but by this time everyone is putting their chairs up and getting their backpacks. My mom doesn't care though, she bursts through the door just in time for the bell with the ice cream and juice boxes. Everyone starts to leave, but uh-uh. No way. "NO ONE IS LEAVING UNTIL EVERYONE RECEIVES THEIR DELECTABLE TREATS." My teacher is kind of frightened, but she lets the birthday-crazed mother, cackling Gramps, and the most red-faced and rattled child in the district, hand out the melting dairy treats. Now I'm not complaining, it was some good iced cream. But sometimes I like to sit and wonder....what would my life be with Life on my Side? Or at least not always plotting against my every moment. Hey! It's a crazy life, but it's my Life. That's not the worst thing that could happen, or will happen. I know that for sure. So I might as well be as prepared as I can be right?

    Christian Scofield
    Period 6
